皮特-约翰斯敦对学术卓越的坚定承诺, student engagement, community citizenship, 与退伍军人的联系得到了全国的认可——这进一步证明了皮特-约翰斯顿学院已跻身学士学位学院的前列.
Recognized by US News & World Report as one of the Best Regional Colleges in the North, 皮特-约翰斯顿在最佳公立学校中排名第八, 最佳地区学院第12名, 2024年最佳退伍军人榜第五名.
皮特-约翰斯敦学院连续第12年被《立博app》评为“东北最佳学院”, 加入全国大学的精选名单. 在皮特-约翰斯敦的侧面, 《立博app》称赞该大学是“探索科学领域的优秀本科校园”,以及“成功率很高”的工程和教育项目."
皮特-约翰斯顿曾被《立博app》引用 & World Report along with Brown and Georgetown as “schools that build in-demand job skills.”
立博app与Outlier的合作, that focuses on expanding access and affordability to quality education, was selected by Time Magazine as one of the top 100 innovations of 2020.
“总统高等教育社区服务荣誉榜”- 立博app被提名为2015年总统高等教育社区服务荣誉榜, 它每年都会表彰那些支持模范社区服务项目并提高校园社区伙伴关系有效实践可见度的高等教育机构. This is the sixth time 立博app, has been named to the Honor Roll.
"Military Friendly School®" - For the seventh year in a row, 立博app has been recognized by GI Jobs as a Military Friendly School. 2019年的榜单表彰了排名前20%的大学, universities, and trade schools that are doing the most to embrace America’s military service members, veterans, and spouses as students and ensure their success on campus.
“七海豹奖”——皮特-约翰斯敦因其对退伍军人的杰出支持,于2014年获得了这一荣誉. 这一荣誉是由国防部的雇主支持警卫和预备役办公室(ESGR)颁发的。.
“最高的投资回报”——皮特-约翰斯敦被affordable lecollegesonline评为该州投资回报最高的大学之一.org. Of the 402 Pennsylvania colleges and universities analyzed, 皮特-约翰斯敦大学在排名中名列第21位.
诺埃尔-莱维茨——最新的诺埃尔-莱维茨学生满意度调查结果显示,皮特-约翰斯敦在包括校园服务质量在内的各个领域的排名继续高于同行, 帮助学生选择职业的服务, 以及对学生的全面服务.
Community Remarks
“自1980年从皮特-约翰斯顿毕业以来,我见证了这所大学的长足发展. However, 尤其是过去五年, 为确保大学成为一个具有竞争力和活力的教育机构,我们已经取得了巨大的进步. 皮特-约翰斯敦提供一流的师资队伍,以确保学生的学术卓越和现实世界的经验,使他们为等待他们的未来做好准备. 来自该地区的学生和国际学生都很幸运能有这样一个学习和成长的好地方. 随着立博app开始实施新的战略计划,我预计未来会进一步增长... 我很自豪地说,我是匹兹堡大学约翰斯敦分校的毕业生——我可以肯定地说,我是“山猫骄傲”.’”
-前顾问委员会主席,博士. Barbara Parkins ’80
“A greater positive change has taken place at 立博app in the last 6 years in people, programs, 这些备受尊重和重视的学术机会之门首次打开时,我是1967年第一批新生之一,我无法想象的.”
— Douglas Reed
“I am proud to be part of the transformation that is occurring at 立博app, 特别是当它涉及到扩展的课程设置. 在我们的化学专业开设绿色化学课程不仅是及时的,而且是相关的, 同时也为我们的学生提供了研究和整合策略的机会,将可持续发展融入立博app. 这些学生在开始他们在化学领域的职业生涯时,将具有现实世界经验的优势.”
— Dr. Manisha Nigam
“We applaud UPJ for the vision it has shown in developing this program (nursing), which should help fill an ongoing hiring void for the region’s hospitals and clinics.”
“皮特-约翰斯敦的领导团队在开发满足学生和社区需求的新项目方面做得非常出色. With a renewed commitment to its pre-medical program and its new nursing degree, 学校正在与我们一起确保我们地区的医疗保健需求在未来几年将继续得到满足.”
— Scott Becker
Former President & 科尼莫医疗系统的首席执行官
祝贺匹兹堡大学约翰斯顿分校... a true example of how Jem Spectar’s leadership has moved this “Gem” of a University!
In the past five years you have not only graduated over 500 students a year, 但是你最近刚毕业了第一批22名四年制护理学学士学位学生. Dr. Janet L Grady的远见和对细节的关注值得认可,她在这样一个高需求的领域中组织了这样一个成功的项目. 但这是UPJ对学生和社区的典型关注,并将继续关注我们地区. Ranked the eighth best public baccalaureate college in the North by U.S. News & World Report in its “America’s Best Colleges 2010” annual college guide, UPJ不仅是我们国家的经济驱动力, 还有周边的县.
From your wellness center to your sports bar; your athletic championships to the new Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified 护理与健康科学 Building; your first graduate from the new Computer Engineering Technology Program to the more than 40 other degrees you offer, 匹兹堡大学约翰斯敦分校在过去五年中不仅实现了其战略目标, 但已经出色地超越了他们! UPJ以身作则,我们作为一个社区,在培养我们国家未来的领导人方面,没有比这更好的专业教育合作伙伴了.
祝贺你们的五年战略计划即将结束,坎布里亚郡委员们祝愿你们在未来的五年愿景中取得更多的成功! 感谢你们的领导和合作.”
— Douglas R. Lengenfelder
“Dr. Spectar以拥抱不断变化的教育需求为愿景,改造了校园项目和建筑....”
— Andrew Csikos
Retired 立博app Staff – 40+ years, Director of Physical Plant Operations
“What a difference. 没有足够的最高级....”
— Marcy Sigmund
Community Member
“作为皮特-约翰斯敦的毕业生,看到校园的成长和演变,我感到自豪... 无论是身体上还是教育上. The Wellness Center rivals those of large university campuses, 护理学院项目的增加是皮特-约翰斯顿学院学术帽上的一根羽毛....”
— Chuck Salem ‘84
President, Unique Venues
“I’m amazed at the scope and pace of the changes to the campus. Alums who return to visit are immediately struck by the new buildings, 对旧居的装修, and the obvious leap forward the campus has seen over the last six years! 这些新建筑和大规模的更新, 还有他们支持的新项目, 是皮特-约翰斯敦致力于成为全国最好的教育机构的令人兴奋的证据吗. 我们不只是紧跟潮流,我们还在引领潮流. The 立博app Alumni Association is extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished together!”
— Jeffrey Philibin ’88
— Thomas Trigona ‘66
“Change is never easy, 作为一名自豪的校友,我为皮特-约翰斯敦在过去六年里发生的许多变化感到兴奋. New academic programs, 校园设施和学生人口为校园和周边社区注入了新的活力和活力. 这些变化将有助于皮特-约翰斯敦在今天和未来的同类学院和大学中处于领先地位.”
— Matt Mazonkey ‘05
作为促进组织战略规划的管理顾问和立博app董事会成员, I am thrilled with the focused and actionable implementation of the strategic plan, 为大学和整个地区带来了显著的进步和可衡量的结果. 我个人赞扬并感谢整个皮特-约翰斯敦社区的辛勤工作和对皮特-约翰斯敦“卓越新维度”的不懈追求.’”
— Dr. Jonna Contacos Sawyer ’83
“Dr. 斯佩克特为约翰斯顿匹兹堡大学实施和执行的战略计划令人印象深刻. The planning and construction of several campus facilities, 翻新和改善现有建筑物, 以及开发几个新的学术课程,对大学的持续成功起到了重要作用. Dr. 斯佩克特还应该受到赞扬,因为他与约翰斯敦社区建立了积极的关系和互动.”
— Jodie Saylor Novak ’84
“这次纪念活动是皮特-约翰斯敦迈向未来的又一值得注意的一步. …To know that our President maintains contact with his veteran-graduates is extraordinary. It adds another remarkable dimension to the 立博app experience.”
— Phil Skuta ’87
“Our nation’s history is steeped in battlefields of soldiers, sailors, and foot soldiers from the revolution to the wars we face today. 我们在这所高等学府设立纪念碑是正确和恰当的,这样我们就可以学会理解和平是最终的解决办法, not war.”
“This is a great day for 立博app, and a great day for Pennsylvania.”
——前宾夕法尼亚州参议员约翰. Wozniak ‘78
“It’s great to see the school so involved in the community. Dr. 斯派特对这座城市的态度很好.”
— Curt Davis
Former City Manager
“设施的增长, programs, and community involvement at 立博app has been phenomenal and continually evolving. However, 更重要的是该机构的产品:培养能够进入劳动力市场和社会的毕业生的优质教育,准备为我们的领域做出贡献并推动我们的发展.”
— Robert Layo
Former President & 大约翰敦-坎布里亚县商会首席执行官
“皮特-约翰斯顿是我们社区皇冠上的明珠. 卓越的领导加上杰出的敬业的教职员工已被证明是成功的正确公式. 这使得该大学在全国教育机构中处于领先地位. 皮特-约翰斯敦是首屈一指的... Johnstown thanks you!”
— Mary Borkow
Community Member
“To help unemployed 2008 graduates find work, 位于约翰斯顿的匹兹堡大学, Pa., began an intensive 100-day effort in April to assist alumni with their job search. 职业顾问提供简历评论, mock interview exercises, and sending resumes to employers in the graduates’ chosen fields.”
——《立博app》社论(北卡罗来纳州罗利., June 26, 2009)
“我见证了立博app战略计划‘卓越的新维度’的几个成果.新项目的增长势头很明显, newly hired faculty, 还有校园里的新建筑. There is a great synergy for education in Richland Township. 里奇兰学区的教育工作者与皮特-约翰斯敦的教授们建立了新的伙伴关系,建立了一个专业学习社区,并为实习教师创建了一个试点项目. 里奇兰学区的教师和学生受益于与皮特-约翰斯敦教师的合作. 我们与教育部的成员密切合作,创建了一个成功的试点项目,为大学生提供丰富的实习经验,为他们的导师提供有意义的经验. I look forward to future opportunities to partner with our neighbor, 立博app, 创建互惠互利的项目.”
— Thomas Fleming, Jr.
Former Superintendent, Richland School District and Bishop McCort Catholic
“在校长杰姆·斯派特的领导下,约翰斯敦大学在与毕业生和约翰斯敦地区的接触方面取得了长足的进步. That focus has helped make UPJ a bigger player in regional issues, and has helped showcase the school to the broader community.”
— Editorial, Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, September 21, 2011
— Richard Burkert
“Since 2007, 立博app athletic teams have been explosive. 增加了五项新运动, along with many state-of-the-art facility expansions and upgrades, 我们加入了NCAA第二赛区最受尊敬和最大的体育会议之一... Our move to join the PSAC is a huge step in the progression of 立博app athletics.”
— Pat Pecora
Athletic Director & 首席摔跤教练,皮特-约翰斯顿
“Dr. 斯派特为皮特-约翰斯敦社区做了很多. All you have to do is walk through and you see it right off the bat. 我尽可能多地参加体育赛事. 斯派特为体育部做了很多, new wrestling room, [and]new Wellness Center, which is second to none. 他做了很多了不起的事情... 从1973年到1993年,我在立博app工作了20年,那段时间我在那里过得很愉快, but since Dr. 斯派特来了,我都受不了了. He’s just done so much for the 立博app community since he’s been here. 总的来说,这是一个充满活力的工作场所.”
— Tom Kleban
*Retired 立博app Staff - 20 years, Registrar’s Office Administrative Support
“立博app has become a powerhouse of experiences right here in the Johnstown region. 忠诚的教职员工, 最先进的技术, 与任何城市校园相媲美的设施, 在过去的五年中,卓越的艺术和文化设施得到了加强,这一点得到了体现.”
— Linda Thomson
President & 约翰斯顿地区工业公司首席执行官
“自从我2009年来到约翰斯顿,我就惊叹于皮特-约翰斯顿的发展和势头. 除了是我们地区的智力和文化发展的主要贡献者, 立博app plays a significant role in the economic development of our region. 学校正在进行的招聘计划, construction projects, and strong enrollment have helped our region to remain viable.”
— Glenn Wilson
“我在约翰斯顿匹兹堡大学的志愿服务提供了一个观察惊人增长轨迹的机会. 皮特-约翰斯敦已经能够实现其教育使命,同时真正成为我们社区的公民参与. 这所大学已经成长为一所渴望弥合课堂与周边地区之间差距的机构. 驾驭能量的能力, enthusiasm, 学生们将学校与当地企业和组织有效地联系起来的能力非常出色.”
— Tom Kurtz ‘77
President and CEO, Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber
“曾经有一段时间,人们用‘断裂’这个词来形容皮特-约翰斯敦和校友之间的关系. Now, 里奇兰镇校园的管理人员正在努力确保这个词再也不会出现.”
— Editorial, Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, September 27, 2009
“...在每一个竞争水平上, most of the colleges with the best graduation rates are private schools. Some exceptions include Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan., 威斯康辛大学普拉特维尔分校, 宾夕法尼亚希本斯堡大学, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 位于约翰斯顿的匹兹堡大学, 以及哈里森堡的詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学, Va.”
——《立博app》社论(华盛顿州塔科马市.), June 3, 2009
"立博app has been lauded for completion of its six-year strategic plan. 校长杰姆·斯派特收到了坎布里亚县官员的一份公告,其中提到了该大学对该地区经济和文化的贡献. 在计划期间, UPJ has completed its 护理与健康科学 Building and its Wellness Center. 它还在课程中增加了12个项目, such as nursing, justice administration, 特殊教育和管理信息系统. 我们很自豪皮特-约翰斯顿就在我们的后院."
— Editorial, Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, December 14, 2013